The Holocaust and the Nakbah / השואה והנכבה


Gur-Ze'ev, I. (forthcoming). Counter-Education Today. This book contains three texts that were not yet published: 1. "Can't you see that the time has come in Israel for a counter-education that will prepare for self-initiated Jewish displacement?" 2.Beyond postmodern feminist critical pedagogy. It also contains an introduction to my work by Prof. Newton de-Olivera and Dr. Raquel Moraes. It also contains five chapters that were already published in various books and journals: 1. Bildung andcritical theory facing post-modern education (Journal of Philosophy of Education) 2. Philosophy of peace education in a post-modern era (Educational Theory) 3. Adorno, critical theory and the possibility of non-repressive critical pedagogy (in Michael Peters, ed., Critical Theory and the Human Condition, 17-35). 4. Toward a non-repressive critical pedagogy (Educational Theory) 5. Walter Benjamin and Max Horkheimer – from utopia to redemption (Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy). (in Portuguese) (180 pp.)

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2010). Diasporic Philosophy and Counter-Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2007). Beyond the Modern- Postmodern Struggle in Education: Toward Counter-Education and Enduring Improvisation. Sense Publishers.

מעבר למאבק מודרני - פוסטמודרני בחינוך

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2007). Dialectics of Homeland and Diaspora in the Pedagogies of Exile in a Post- modern Era, Ramalla: Madar. (in Arabic)

הדיאלקטיקה של המולדת והגלות - החינוך הישראלי והפדגוגיות של הגלותיות בעידן הפוסט מודרני

جدلية الوطن والمنفى – التربية على المنفوية في عصر ما بعد الحداثة . رام الله: مدار

Book - part 1 , Book - part 2 , Book - part 3 , Book - part 4 , Book - part 5

Gur - Ze'ev I.& Lidor, R. (2007). Sport - Politics and Values. Hulon: David Rechgold Publications. (in Hebrew)

גור זאב, א. ולידור,ר.(עורכים). (2007). ספורט , פוליטיקה וערכים

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2004). Toward Diasporic Education. Tel Aviv: Resling. (220 pp.) (in Hebrew).

לקראת חינוך לגלותיות

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2003). Destroying the Other's Collective Memory. New York: Peter Lang.

'ריצוץ התודעה הקולקטיבית של ה'אחר

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (1999). Philosophy, Politics and Education in Israel. Haifa: Haifa University Press (in Hebrew).

פילוסופיה, פוליטיקה וחינוך בישראל

Chapters In Books

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2003). "Holocaust/Nakbah as an Israeli/Palestinian homeland". in: Ron Robin and Bo Strath (eds.) Homelands: Poetic Power and the Politics of Space, Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 107-134.



Gur-Ze'ev, I. (forthcoming).Beyond peace education – toward co-poiesis and enduring improvisation.

מעבר לחינוך לשלום - לקראת קו-פואזיס ואלתור עד

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2009) Rationale (in english): New anti-Semitism - educational challenges, The rationale of the New anti-Semitism conference, University of Haifa June 22, 2009.

אנטישמיות חדשה - אתגרים חינוכיים - רציונל כנס (בעברית) האנטישמיות החדשה שנערך באוניברסיטת חיפה, 22 ביוני 2009

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2005). "Globalizing Memory, the Holocaust, and Postmodern Messianism", in: Weiss, Y. (ed.), Memory and Amnesia – The Holocaust in Germany, Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuchad, 419-428. Thanks to Yifat Weiss for permitting this publication.

 הזיכרון הגלובליסטי, השואה והמשיחיות הפוסטמודרנית         

Gur-Ze'ev, I. "Edward Said as an educator" (in Hebrew).

אדוארד סעיד כמחנך 

Gur-Ze'ev, I. and Pappe I. (2003), Beyond the Destruction of the Other's collective Memory: Blueprints for a Palestinian/Israeli Dialogue, Theory Culture & Society, 20:1, February 2003, pp. 93-108.           

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (June 2002), "Holokaust/Nakbah kao Israelski/Palestinski zavicaj", Rec 66:12, pp. 171-196 (in Serbian language).

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (June 2002), "Kako pobediti neprijatelja u kuci: Holokaust kao tema u obrazovanju i Arapsko-Israelski sukob",  Rec 66:12 , pp. 143-170 (in Serbian language).

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (Summer 2002). Kako Pobediti Neprijatelja U Kući: Holokaust Kao Tema U Obrazovanju I Arapsoko-Izraelski Sakub, Reč, 66:12, June 2002, pp. 143-170 (In Serbian).

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (Summer 2002). Holokaust/Nakba kao Israelski/Palestinski Zavičaj, (A translation of the English version of: Holocaust/Nakbah memories as Israeli/Palestinian home) Reč, 66:12, June 2002, pp. 171-198 (In Serbian).

Gur-Ze’ev, I. (24.4.1998). The mythisation of the Holocaust and the evil industry, Ha’aretz Tarbut Vesifrut, D3 (in Hebew).

המיתיזציה של השואה וחרושת הרוע הישראלית

Gur-Ze'ev, I. and Ilana Salama-Ortar. (2001). "About the paintings TABLEAU OF NOTHINGNESS and PRAYER FOR AWAKENING", in Ilana Salama Ortar, Constellation for Awakening, Tel-Aviv: Start Art Gallery, pp. 56-60.

דרוויש ואורתר

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2001). The production of the self and the destruction of the other’s memory and identity: Israeli/Palestinian education on the Holocaust/Nakbah.Studies in Philosophy and Education, 20:3, 255-266.

Gur-Ze'ev, I., Pappe, I. (2001). Beyond the destruction of the Other's collective memory: blueprints for Palestinian/Israeli dialogue. Theory, Culture & Society, 18:2-3,

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (2000) Defeating the enemy within: exploring the link between Holocaust education and the Arab/Israeli conflict, Religious Education, 95: 4, 373-401.

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (1998). The morality of acknowledging/not acknowledging the Other's Holocaust/genocide. Journal of Moral Education, 27, 2,161-178.

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (1998). The production of self and the destruction of the Other’s memory and identity in Israeli/Palestinian education on the Holocaust/Nakba.Educational Rights and Entitlements - Proceedings. International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE), Ankara, 22-30.

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (21.1.1995). Between "our" Holocaust and the Holocausts of Others. Davar - Masa, 21.

בין השואה "שלנו" לשואותיהם של "אחרים"